Sweet Lavender Ointment

4 ounces sweet olive oil
3 to 4 ounces beeswax
1 ounce cocoa butter
15 drops vitamin e oil
25 drops lavender oil

Combine the sweet olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter and heat thoroughly in the top of a double boiler. Remove from the heat. Add the vitamin e, lavender oil and beat well. Pour into salve jars and allow the mixture to cool before covering.

IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP: Beeswax melts at 143-148 degrees. It is pliable at 100 degrees. All waxes will ignite explosively when they reach their flash point temperature. To melt beeswax safely, place it in the top of a double boiler, or place the container of wax in a larger container of hot water. Do not melt beeswax in a microwave, as it could become hot enough to ignite. Do not cover the beeswax while melting in a container of water, as steam may condense on the inside of the cover resulting in water in the wax.  To measure a small amount of beeswax, grate it before melting.

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