Fireweed quickly establishes itself on land affected by wildfire, prevalent in the Rockies of Alberta and British Columbia in Canada.
Fireweed Honey is made from nectar sourced from wild mountain gardens. It is raw and unpasteurized, retaining its high nutrient content and many health properties. It is an excellent source of antioxidants and has antifungal properties.
Indigenous tribes of the First Nations utilized fireweed externally to treat burns and other skin conditions, and consumed it in tea form to address gastro-intestinal and respiratory ailments. European settlers were familiar with this species from the continent, and quickly embraced its North American counterpart for similar therapeutic purposes.
Fireweed has been found to possess multiple chemical constituents with anti-inflammatory and/or antibacterial characteristics.
Fireweed Honey from British Columbia is recognized for its superior quality, flavor, and color. Demand for this honey is so high that inventory tends to deplete quickly; if it's unavailable, please place an order to secure the next shipment.